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Writer's pictureJoey Schooley

You're only One Yoga Class away from a Bad Mood

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

‘You’re only One Yoga Class away from a Bad Mood’

is one of my favourite expressions and it’s true

YOGA is hands down the most expansive scientific and medically validated health regimen. Accessible for anyone at any age wanting to be proactive about their health, seeking relief from ‘dis-ease’ be it mental, physical or spiritual, YOGA offers an exhaustive array of remedies and modalities to restore balance and vitality. From increasing one’s range of movement to regulating digestion and of greatest importance, managing stress because stress has long been identified to be at the root of 75% or more of all dis-eases, YOGA offers an antidote and for this reason, it’s been my practice and shared passion for over 3 decades.

As a 350 hour Certified Yoga Instructor and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist I’ve been humbled, validated and grateful for my students’ feedback.

“I was totally emotionally blocked and heavy when I started the class and now feel lighter and stronger”.

“Questioning life and striving to be my best self are fairly new experiences for me. Meditation, plant medicines and kind souls such as yourself have helped me to view life differently. I feel like I’m just beginning a journey that I wish I’d taken many years ago. I’m just glad I’m on this path now. Thank you for giving of yourself, your time and your knowledge. It is very much appreciated.”

Although I receive a small recompense for teaching, I won’t deny anyone access to my classes because they are unable to pay. No authentic yoga teacher teaches for the money honey.

A few days ago I found a gift at my front door. It was the most exquisite candle cradled in a resplendent pink flamingo holder accompanied by a card containing a $100 bill, (the amount I recently requested for a 10 week session)

The card contained these words.

“Joey, your kindness and generosity to allow me access to your classes gratis will never be forgotten. Thank you for spreading light and assisting others. You make the world a better place.”

Knowing that through sharing my love of all things yogic helps one person achieve greater peace of mind, vitality and happiness, IS my greatest reward.

There are no shortage of yoga teachers with lithe bodies and beautiful faces, capable of performing the most challenging postures that we can all admire and perhaps aspire to.

Yet the essence of YOGA does not lie in physical prowess. Yoga encourages us to take care of our bodies and our minds, because although impermanent, our bodies are ‘home’ to our souls for as long as we exist in the physical world. In a healthy body, we can accomplish more of what gives us life satisfaction and self-esteem. A healthy body and emotionally balanced mind offers us the potential for more fulfilling relationships, from familial to intimate.

I invite you to explore your own potential for more of everything you desire in your lifetime.

So, what are you waiting for?

Visit My Planet Joey as often as you like. I’m here to help you, as my teachers have helped and healed me. No one gets there on their own. We are here to support and love one another.

Anything less than LOVE is F.E A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real.

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1 Comment

Renee Welling
Renee Welling
Feb 05, 2021

This is excellent therapy that has been used for hundreds of years. would love to do it.

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